Optical remote sensing to improve snow models – Copenhagen Workshop Session

This ESA SEOM Sentinel-3 for Science Land Study: Snow “S-3-Snow” includes an element to gather and prioritise snow modeller interest and requirements about optical remotely sensed snow parameters (snow extent, albedo, grain size, impurity content). The ESA contract is to engage users of Sentinel-3 snow optical retrievals in 1.) model comparison and/or 2.) data assimilation.

Synergistic is a September 20-22, 2017 Copenhagen Workshop: Modeling Melt Water Retention Processes in Snow and Firn on Ice Sheets and Glaciers: Observations

A workshop supporting the ESA contract session is to:

  • to survey and prioritise remotely sensed snow parameter data users’ requirements for global and regional snow information
  • to discuss how to enhance methods for estimating snow parameters, either from remote sensing or from modeling, and to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches
  • to consult users about the utility/interest in other snow products suitable for studying climate-related issues.

To be added to mailing list, please contact jeb@geus.dk charing the snow optical remote sensing session .

For the ESA contract, the outcome is a list of requirements and minimum accuracy levels for the optical remotely sensed snow parameters.

The Workshop is co-organised by Peter Langen pla@dmi.dk

For the Danish Research Council grant, the workshop outcome is expected to include:

  1. a protocol for a retention model intercomparison project (RetMIP?) including instructions and datasets for validation.
  2. a journal special issue like the 2016 special issue in Frontiers in Earth Science – Melt Water Retention Processes in Snow and Firn on Ice Sheets and Glaciers: Observations and Modeling, papers feeding into the IPCC Special Report on Climate change and the oceans and the cryosphere.