technical documents

Official technical documents
Year 2018-2020: Pre-operational Sentinel-3 snow and ice products (SICE)
Doc ID Title Milestone Description of documents Link
TN0.2 SICE implementation of the Simple Cloud Detection Algorithm (SCDA) v2.0 unofficial cloud ID PDF
TN1 ATBD for Sentinel-3 cryospheric optical and thermal data suite end of Task 1 ATBD for ice albedo, snow albedo, cloud screening over snow and ice and atmospheric correction over snow and ice PDF
TN2 Technical Note on validation of snow and ice albedo end of Task 2 statistics and graphics detailing algorithm validation PDF
TN3 Technical Note documentation on Level 3 product end of Task 3 documentation on Level 3 product described in DATA1 below Google Doc
MTR Mid term Review Report Mid-term Review Summary of main activities, progress and issues outstanding PDF
ESR Executive Summary Report Final Review TBD
FR Final Report Final Review TBD
CP Communications Package Final Review Video clip, social media feeds, web story and public access to geophysical datasets generated during the contract Web story 29 May, 2019
CCD Contract Closure Documentation Contract Closure TBD
FP Final Presentation Final Review TBD
Title Milestone Quantity to be
Format / Description
SW1 SICE toolchain Midterm Review git repository
Data1 Arctic Land Ice cryospheric optical and thermal data suite Acceptance Review 2018 and 2019, 1 Apr. – 30 Sep., daily, 1 km collections of geotiff files downloadable from Brockmann Consult*
Year 2016-2018: S34Sci Land Study 1: Snow
  1. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) v2.4 (final) [.PDF]
  2. Database for Task 2 (DBT2) in /data folder at using credentials available here
  3. Product Validation Report (PVR) [.PDF]
  4. Software User Manual (SUM) [.HTML]
  5. Output Products [.PDF]
  6. Final Report [.PDF]
  7. Scientific Roadmap [.PDF]